Having a drought-resistant garden does not mean that your flower garden needs to be boring. There are several beautiful plants that will brighten up your garden or landscape. They are so pretty you may be surprised to find that they are drought tolerant.
Drought-resistant plants are perfect for people that live in drought areas, want a low maintenance garden, or water conscious.
We all know that succulents and cactus plants require little water and are overall, easy to care for. They make a great base to start your garden. Add in a few other drought-resistant plants to add splashes of color and create interesting focal points. Do you want a Mediterranean look, a cottage looks, or just want to add some splashes of color? You have lots of options to choose from that will make your garden stand out.
Here are just a few:
Agave Plants
The agave plant will give your garden an exotic look that is sure to turn heads. When they flower, they are simply stunning.
Black-eyed Susans
Black-eyed Susans will give your garden a cottage garden look while providing a splash of color.
Blazing Star “Ajuga”
These flowers thrive at both ends of the water spectrum. They flourish in dry areas as well as drought. This flower will add color and interest to any garden.
Butterfly Weed
Your friends and family won’t be the only ones impressed with this plant. The beautiful and dainty butterfly weed will attract hummingbirds and butterflies too. Not to mention, it is a favorite of the Monarch butterfly.
Cleome has a wistful look to it. With its lovely pastel color, it will bring an English cottage feel to your garden.
Cone Flowers or “Echinacea”
These flowers have large flower heads with showy blooms. They are a perfect backdrop to any garden. They are a part of the daisy family, making them stand up in dry conditions or poor soil.
Cosmos Plants
This is another stunning flowering plant that thrives in drought or poor conditions. Its variety of heights and petal colors make this plant an essential for any summer garden.
One of everyone’s favorite perennials. The bright colors and large variety make it a go-to plant for every garden. That they are drought and frost resistant makes them even more perfect.
Desert Rose
This flower is one of the most familiar to be found in any desert or dry landscape. It is sure to impress with it’s beautiful pink and red blooms. This plant is super easy to care for. It does not need much water, but it does love the sun.
Red Salvia or Scarlet Sage
Create an explosion of color in your flower garden. The Red Salvia or Scarlet Sage is perfect in rocky, dry, and sandy landscape. Plant with the purple colored wild sage to create a cottage flower-like feel to your garden.
Torch Tithonia
Torch Tithonia, is also known as Mexican sunflower will brighten up any garden with its stunning bright red-orange colored flowers. It is a taller plant that blooms non-stop beginning mid-summer.
Drought Resistant Gardens
Remember, just because you live in a dry area, or just want a super easy garden to care for, it can still be a beautiful focal point of your landscape. Start with a few anchor plants and mix it up by adding in a few (or more) of these plants to create a stunning garden.