
Your Home is Your Castle

Mood Lighting in Your Bathroom

Published on 11/05/2014 — By Jackson Neal
One place which doesn't get nearly the attention it deserves when it comes to mood lighting concepts is the bathroom. We all spend at least a little time each day in the bathroom and this may be the place where setting the proper mood is pivotal. When you're in there you don't want any distractions, you […]

8 Ways to Use LED Lights this Halloween

Published on 10/20/2014 — By Jackson Neal
BOO! Ready to give your trick or treaters a bit of a fright? Try these 8 creative and fun ways to use LED lights this Halloween and see if you can't add a little more trick into your treats. Pumpkins Everyone carves a mean looking pumpkin, but you can add in all kinds of special […]

Can Window Tinting Affect Your Indoor Plants?

Published on 10/20/2014 — By Jackson Neal
Window tinting can save you significant money on your heating and cooling bills, protect your furnishings from fading, and protect your skin from the damaging rays of the sun. If you have a green thumb, however, you might be concerned about whether or not residential window tinting will kill your house plants. In almost all […]

Window Tinting During the Winter

Published on 10/13/2014 — By Jackson Neal
What is Residential Window Tinting? Your windows are essential for making your home seem open and spacious rather than cramped and closed-in. However, with the home as with other things, too much light can be as bad as too little. If you find that your windows are letting in an excess of light, then it […]
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