Published on 06/30/2022 — By Jackson Neal

If you are looking for tips on how to make your home more energy efficient, read on. Many homeowners find that simple upgrades can save them significant amounts of money. Some of these improvements can be done by themselves, without having to spend months in renovations. This article will explain some easy tips that will […]
Published on 01/30/2022 — By Jackson Neal

There are many benefits to using window treatments, and they all start with the fact that they can increase the resale value of your home. These products are available in a variety of styles and materials, and can be customized to meet your individual needs. The following article outlines the benefits of using window treatments […]
Published on 12/29/2021 — By Jackson Neal

There are many benefits to choosing blinds over curtains for your home. One of the biggest is that you can customize them to suit your specific needs. Another great advantage to choosing blinds is that they do what they say they will do. Some types are even self-explanatory and require little maintenance, such as vacuuming. […]
Published on 09/29/2021 — By Jackson Neal

Learn about standard window sizes before you start your next home improvement project! Most replacement windows on the market come in standard sizes. The manufacturers produce windows in standard sizes as a convenience for homeowners so they can easily find replacements. However, the windows you might find at a hardware store will not fit every […]
Published on 08/18/2021 — By Jackson Neal

Follow our tips regarding how to clean windows the right way and you’ll enjoy spotless windows every day! Dirty windows distract others from your home’s beauty and reduce how much light shines into your house. Cleaning dirty windows may seem like a simple task, but making your windows sparkle without scratching them or leaving streaks […]